Friday, December 9, 2011

Twis #6

This Week In Science we talked about what we would need to survive. Than we went to the things crickets will need to survive. I wrote that they would need plants, rocks, chirping and their mouths to survive. After we tested if crickets like the wet spot or the dry spot more. The crickets spent more time on the wet area than the dry so i wrote that they like the wet area`s better. Once we finished with the crickets we went to jelly beans. We made a dichotomous key to separate each jelly bean into one segment by asking questions like "Does it have spots?" and other related questions.

This Week In Science I learned that I wont need much to survive and that crickets are not that much of a difference then us. I learned that crickets will rather prefer the wet area than the dry lands. After I learned that you can separate almost anything like jelly beans and their flavor. I did not learn anything else this week in science.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Twis #5

This week in science we worked in groups for the rocket project and we finished everything we missed from last class. We saw varieties of animal behavioral videos and than we examined on crickets. I drew a picture of a cricket from front view and side view and I also labeled the body parts of the cricket. One of the videos we saw was one of a cat barking like a dog. I found it amusing and very interesting.

What I learned this week in science was that Larva eggs can grow on your back which is very disgusting but interesting. I also learned that animals behaviors are all somewhat different from each other but all of them are interesting and new to me. Crickets are annoying with the noises and are very disturbing to look at up close. They eat apples and for some reason i saw a cricket eating another cricket. The last thing i learned this week was that animals all have different unique behaviors and are all different from one another.

(This Video Shows A Car Barking Like A Dog. I Chose This Video Because It Was Very Interesting Behavior To Me.)