Friday, October 21, 2011

This Week In Science #3

This week in science we learned more about independent and dependent variables and how we can make questions out of them. We also made a plant for our group and measured it to see how big it got. We then made a testable question for our plant and a hypothesis. Afterwards we saw jamie making peanut butter and jelly and telling us to explain to her the steps of making it. We made a procedure for our plants after we finished with the peanut butter and jelly. When we finished with all that we drew a picture of how our plants look like.

In Science we made plants and made a testable questions for them. After we made a independent and dependent question for it and after we made a hypothesis for the testable questions. We went with jamie in a room and we started to give her steps to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and after we took the quiz about what we learned.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This Week In Science #2

This week in science we played with poppers and found out which ones jump higher and which jump seconds later. We also made our blog video. I had to take lots of retakes from the noise in the background but i got it done afterwards. They also taught us about independant and dependant variables and we also edited our blog profile.

This week in science I learned about how the bigger poppers pop faster and higher then the little poppers which pop slower and lower. I also learned about how difficult it is making a blog video when your friend is trying to make you laugh but got it finished afterwards. I finished off my week by finishing making my blog profile and finishing this paragraph on my week in science.